Preconference: Educational Workshop
As part of the inaugural European Meeting on Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases (EU-MIND), we will be working towards convening a pre-conference workshop entitled “Getting Started with Neuroimaging Analysis”. The workshop we be held on Wednesday, September 25 2024 in Caen, Normandy, France, before the beginning of the conference.
The main goal of this workshop is to give new and early-career researchers an entry point to neuroimaging methods and research that will make this field more accessible and give them research-ready skills to not only process neuroimaging data, but also accurately interpret neuroimaging findings in the greater context of aging and dementia research topics.

This workshop will provide hands-on training on the basics of neuroimaging to 30-40 attendees. The target audience is trainees and early-career researchers who are interested in neuroimaging research but have not had sufficient opportunity for formal training working with neuroimaging data. However, any attendees interested in learning more about neuroimaging analysis and how to use it in their research are welcome to apply.
The workshop will cover basic concepts in neuroimaging data formats, coordinate systems, data visualization and image processing software. Introductory webinars are available on-demand and recommended for viewing before attending the workshop. There are interactive hands-on lessons that cover structural, functional, and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). The format consists of a general introduction, followed by brief (~5 min) introductions on each of the tutorial lessons. Attendees will then have three one-hour, self-paced working sessions, with organizers moving around the classroom to provide assistance.
The expected learning outcomes from this work are for attendees to:
- Evaluate the different elements of imaging data structure and their respective functions
- Employ common neuroimaging processing methods on various MRI and PET data used in clinical aging and dementia research.
- Review results from neuroimaging processing steps and pipelines to ensure data quality and to interpret results in a research context.
- Tobey Betthauser, University Wisconsin-Madison
Expert on PET acquisition and analysis of amyloid and tau PET images
- David Cash, University College London Institute of Neurology
Expert on cross-sectional and longitudinal structural MRI analysis in dementia and application to clinical trials
- Ludovica Griffanti,University of Oxford
Expert on data visualization and segmentation of white matter lesions from FLAIR MRI, data harmonization and large multimodal MRI data sets in aging and neurodegeneration.
- Alexa Pichet Binette, Lund University
Expert on applying advanced diffusion imaging methods in at-risk populations and individuals living with cognitive impairment and dementia
- Luigi Lorenzini,VUMC Amsterdam
Expert on imaging processing and analysis using fMRI and advanced modalities, issues in quality control and multi-site studies.
- Tavia Evans,Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Expert in neuroimaging acquisition and analysis in worldwide studies of neurodegeneration
Université de Caen Normandie – Campus 1
Esplanade de la Paix
14000 Caen